
Numerology is the system in which there is a relationship between numbers and humans (or other living things) and objects. It is often associated with other mystical practices such as astrology psychic phenomenon, and tarot readings. By reducing a name or date to one number, it can give you more insight into a person’s personality (if a name is reduced) or an event (if a date is used). There are even some astrologers who use numerology, believing that the numbers 0 through 9 are ruled by the 10 celestial bodies.
History of Numerology
Many historians believe that in ancient times, numerology was considered a part of higher mathematics. It is believed that Pythagoras taught numerology to his followers, which would mean that numerology dates back thousands of years. In addition, the Jewish Kabbalah, Indian Vedas, Chinese Circle of the Dead, and Egyptian Book of the Master of the Secret House all have records that indicate that numerology was used in ancient times.Numerology, often being associated with the occult, has been in and out of favour with society for years. It did experience a rebirth in the early twentieth century when L. Dow Balliett published a series of books on numerology between 1911 and 1917.
How Numerology Works
Those that practice numerology are often referred to as numerologists. They apply definitions to numbers and use those in combination with each other to find meaning in a name or date. There are variations among numerologists and even between different cultures, but common examples of number definitions are: 0 (everything and nothing), 1 (individual, aggressor, yang) 2 (balance, union, yin), 3 (communication/contact), 4 (creation), 5 (action), 6 (reaction, responsibility), 7 (thought, consciousness), 8 (power, sacrifice), 9 (completion), and 10 (rebirth).The Chinese have a different set of definitions for the numbers and there are number combinations that are considered luckier than others. For example, the number 4 is often seen as unlucky as the pronunciation for the number 4 in Chinese is similar to the word used for “death.” The number 8 is defined as sudden fortune and prosperity, so it is considered lucky. The combination of 168 is considered lucky because the definitions for those numbers are sure (1), easy (6), and sudden fortune (8). Many Chinese businesses feel they will be a success if their phone numbers start with this lucky combination.
Digit Summing
Numerologists often use digit summing in their practice. This is where they reduce a number or word to a single digit. For example, a birth date of 11/03/1973 would be reduced to 1+1+0+3+1+9+7+3=25 and 2+5=7. A word might be reduced by associated each letter with the corresponding number (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc), so “thanks” is reduced to 20+8+1+14+11+19=73, 7+3=10 and 1+0 is reduced to 1.As different cultures use different definitions, they also use different means of calculation. The methods vary between Chaldean, Pythagorean, Hebraic, the Helyn Hitchcock’s method, Phonetic, Japanese and Italian.
While some religions shun numerology as an occult science, there are references to numbers in the Bible. There is the Number of the Beast, associated with the anti-Christ in the Book of Revelation. This number is believed to be 666, but it is not certain as 616 and 665 appear in some older text sources. Many religions such as Judaism and Christianity associate the number 1 with God. For Christians, the number three is often associated with the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Numerology is yet another way to help us understand ourselves, others and events that happen. It may help you gain a better understanding of relationships, learn how to deal with difficult personality traits your partner may possess, or even teach you how to be a better person.
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