Basics of Astrology...
Below are our articles on the subject of Basics of Astrology. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Astrology and Astronomy
Before the Scientific Revolution, astronomy and astrology were closed related. Many highly regarded astronomers also studied astrology, but the sciences were…...
Astrology and Fertility
Astrology may be used to help women determine fertility information such as when they are ovulating, the sex of the child they are having, and how to avoid painful…...
Astrology for Babies
A baby’s astrological sign can give you great insight into how you can expect them to act as well as how you can expect them to develop....
History of Astrology
Astrology has been studied since ancient times. It has been used to guide world leaders and regular people in order to help them understand themselves and those around…...
How The Elements Affect Astrology
The four element signs of the zodiac (air, earth, water, and fire) can learn to work together when they know each other's strengths and weaknesses. Find out more about…...
How The Planets Affect Astrology
A look at planet alignment and the personality traits asociated with the planets positions at birth....
The Age of Aquarius
Astrological ages occur approximately once every two thousand years and we are currently in Age of Aquarius, which is a time of great unity and scientific discoveries....
The Basics of Astrology Charts
Astrological charts are used to create a person's horoscope. Each of the twelve houses represents a different aspect of their life....