Driving Signs and Astrological Rankings

Most people are aware that astrology and their astrological sign can affect many aspects of their lives. However you may never stop and think about how your astrological sign can affect your driving habits. Lee Romanov, the president of InsuranceHotline.com has written a new book titled “Car Carma.” In “Car Carma,” Lee talks about how your zodiac sign can affect personal driving habits and how that can in turn increase or decrease your chances for being involved in an accident, getting a ticket, or paying a higher premium for car insurance.
To see why there was a variance between the insurance companies high and low rates, Lee compared 100,000 drivers from North America. He looked at their driving records, including number of tickets and accidents they had been in and then took a look at their astrological sign. He saw a pattern – drivers of certain signs were more likely to get tickets or be in an accident than others.
What signs were prone to get most driving tickets? Number one was Pisces followed by Aries, Aquarius, Capricorn, and Libra. The least likely to get tickets were Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini. Libra was the most likely sign to be involved in an accident, followed by Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries, and Aquarius. Least likely to be in an accident was Gemini, Cancer, and Leo.
Here is a brief breakdown of each signs driving traits from worst to best:
Sept 23-Oct 22
Libra craves balance and does not like to make rash decisions. This is not a good driving characteristic, as rush hour often requires quick reactions.
Jan 20-Feb 18
Aquarius is almost the exact opposite of Libra. While Libras do not like to make rushed decisions, Aquarius is quite impulsive. Add to that fact that they are ruled by the planet of speed and rebellion and that just spells automobile trouble.
Mar 21-Apr 19
Aries the Ram has a “me first” nature, taking the lead before giving others the opportunity. This makes an eventual accident almost unavoidable.
Feb 19-Mar20
Pisces is not forceful like Aries, but more of a daydreamer. Driving requires complete attention, something many Pisces cannot give it.
Oct 23-Nov 21
Scorpios are often perfect examples of road rage, given their instinct to seek revenge on people who wrong them. Cut them off in traffic and they may just follow you to cut you off as well.
Apr 20-May 20
Taurus suffers an animal sign problem, just like Aries. Taurus the Bull can be bullheaded and their stubbornness may cause them to charge at a red light.
Nov 22-Dec 21
Sagittarius likes to take risks. Fortunately, they are experienced at taking risks, but they also like to talk, so you may often see a Sagittarius on the phone while driving. This means they are not devoting 100% of their attention to driving.
Dec 22-Jan 19
Capricorns are often goal orientated. They may be more concerned about their final destination than how they get there. They may feel road rules are for the other drivers, not them.
Aug 23-Sept 22
Virgos are very detail orientated. While they do not mind slamming on their breaks to avoid hitting something, they may not be considering the pileup it might cause behind them.
June 21-July 22
Cancers are homebodies and even while out on the road, they may consider other drivers part of their extended family. However, they are extremely moody. They may beep without any provocation.
May 21-June 20
Geminis are great at multi-tasking. They may be able to drive while applying makeup, changing the radio station, and drinking a coffee, but this not the optimum driving scenario.
Jul 23-Aug 22
Leos are generous and sharing on the highway, but it may be their ego that drives them to be the best drivers on the road.
Each person is an individual and these are only generalisations based on astrological signs. Of course, if you are a Libra, you may recognise from this article that an area of your driving needs work. Remember that despite what driving traits your astrological sign may give you, you have the free will to overcome them.
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